Between the constant distractions we have today, it can be challenging to get your kids outside. Between screens, snacks, nap times, or the hot Georgia heat, spending time outside can seem like a hassle. However, getting outside is worth the effort and time.

There are plenty of simple ways to get your child outside that will ultimately improve your child's health, well being, and curiosity. Some activities are taking a hike, skipping rocks, walking the dog, or sending your child to a farm camp.
Here are some of the ways your child will benefit from attending our camp

1. Freedom
Children have the freedom to explore and become natural scientists of their environment. Children can choose their interest ("What is that?") and it becomes a mini science lesson that covers multiple curriculums. Some of the books I have added to my Farm Library to engage this curiosity are; Blueberries For Sal, by Robert McCloskey, Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt, by Kate Messner, and Eating the Alphabet, by Lois Ehlert. I love the vocabulary and knowledge these books have!
2. Sunshine
Just like the plants we grow, children need sunshine! Vitamin D plays an important role in bone development and also our immune system. Time in the sun also helps mood regulation and sleep. A study found that 2 to 5 year olds slept better at night after playing outdoors (Deziel, 2017).
3. Movement
You may have heard that children should be at least getting 30 minutes of outdoor activity a day. With the rate of childhood obesity rising, playtime outdoors is as important as ever. Playing outside and working on the farm will help with muscle building and children to learn how to challenge their little bodies! It encourages appropriate risk taking to run faster, climb higher, jump farther while under supervision.
4. Nature Connection
Children understand and relate more when they are able to see and observe things in their environment. Rather than reading about feeding a chicken, the kids in our camp actually get to feed them! Through different hands on experiences, they gain confidence to interact with their environment.

There are numerous benefits of having your child spend time outdoors. We are so excited to offer this opportunity for your child to learn about nature while having fun at our camps! At camp we have farm chores, outdoor play, garden lessons, and different hands on opportunities. Your child will have fun while connecting with nature! If you are interested in our next camp, you can our find our registration form below.
You can email the registration form to or email if you have further questions.
Get outside this summer!

Deziel, S. 2017. “5 Reasons Why Every Kid Should Play Outside.” Today’s Parent.